
College examinations are very important for the students. On no account the college examinations should be avoided. A student must sit forthe following examination.

(a) There shall be two examinations, the fIrst Terminal and the Annual for the fIrst year class or Higher Secondary Course. The First Terminal Examination will be held in Nov or December and the Annual examination will be held in April & May.
(b) The test examination in Nov- December for the second year Higher Secondary Classes.
(2) Every student is required to appear at all these examinations, in order to earn his progress certifIcate. However annual ana test examinations are compulsory and unless a student appears at the annual or text examination as the case may be he Ishe may be penalised in any manner to be determined by the state council.
(3) Absence from any examination, whole or part, will make a student liable for payment of a fIne as may be decided by the staff council unless he gets exemption from appearance oflhe examination.
(4) Application for exemption from appearing at the examination will not ordinarily be entertained. In exceptional cases application for exemption made by parents or guardians duly supported by amedical certificate incase of illness and endorsed by the concemedproctors may be considered by the principal.
(5) A student failing to secure qualifying marks in the college examination shall not ordiparily be selected for promotion to the next higher class.
(6) Adopftion of unfair means at college examinations is a Serious offence and penalty shall be decided by state council.
A student may be fined / or expelled for infringing rules of examination discipline to be decided b)r state council.
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